Of Brains & Babies

Our Breastfeeding Journey

Sydney Minetto Season 1 Episode 11

Brene Brown (all hail the queen!)  says: "Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do." This rings true for about a thousand things in my life, one of them being breastfeeding.

When I entered motherhood I didn't expect to have a "story" around breastfeeding- but I do! We all do! And we need to share them- they are powerful and beautiful.

My biggest takeaways from our journey thus far (and *woof* has it been a journey at times) is that
1- You are not alone! There are other mothers who know what you are feeling and going through.
2- There are so many professionals who rock and are there to help you!
3- You are not broken if you are having struggles with breastfeeding. Your body is rad.

I tend to talk about breastfeeding a lot and love sharing other helpful tips over on instagram.
If that's your thing, follow along @ofbrainsandbabies